This past year has been very difficult for so many people around the globe. But positives can often be found even in crises and difficult circumstances! Finding the positives and holding onto them is the spirit of Kick Lupus!
With that in mind, we want to announce the Kick Lupus 2021 Competition, My Covid19 Lupus Hero!
Is there a special person whose support for you really shone through this past year, through the covid19 crisis? Did someone make life easier for you in a practical way? Was there someone you could always rely on to provide emotional support during this crisis?
The Covid19 Lupus Hero Competition 2021 is your chance to nominate that special person for a Covid19 Lupus Hero Award!
A Covid19 Lupus Hero may be your neighbour who has been going shopping for you during the pandemic, it might be someone in your lupus clinic who has made you feel safe when you’ve had to go in for reviews or treatment or it might be a friend who has been diligent about keeping in touch in various ways throughout the year, even though you couldn’t meet in person. Who is your Covid19 Lupus Hero?
To enter the Covid19 Lupus Hero 2021 Competition you have to send us a nomination.
Let us know about your hero! You can do this in the format of your choice, whether that is a 30 to 60 second video, a short e-mail, an essay of a few paragraphs, a drawing with a short text, a cartoon or any kind of format you choose!
To take part you have to meet the following conditions:
- Be a lupus patient living in Europe
- You must make the submission yourself, in whatever format you choose
- You must have the approval of the person you are nominating to share their information with us
The prize is: The winner of this competition and their Covid19 Lupus Hero will both be invited to the Lupus Europe 2021 Convention which we hope will be in Bratislava!
Please send all submissions to:
The deadline for the submission is: June 30, 2021