All around the world, scientists, academics, Doctors are looking for better treatments for people living with lupus. The complexity of the disease makes this search difficult, but many promising tracks are pursued with thousands of patients involved in clinical trials. The research is taking place in locations all over the world, maybe also close to your home.
Whether you just have an intellectual interest for the topic and would like to see what research is taking place where, or would like to become personally involved by enrolling in a clinical trial, here are links that will help you find the most current information. Our search link will direct you either to (the global database of all clinical trials around the world), or to antidote.match, a platform identifying, based on few questions, which clinical trials are taking place near your home for your condition
Lupus Clinical Research all around the world
Reach directly the active lupus trials from clinical and be amazed by the quantity of on going research
Systemic Lupus Clinical trials near your home
If you want to find a clinical trial near you and have SYSTEMIC Lupus Erythematosus
Lupus Nephritis Clinical trials near your home
If you want to find a clinical trial near you and have LUPUS NEPHRITIS (Kidneys affected by systemic lupus)
Cutaneous Lupus Clinical trials near your home
If you want to find a clinical trial near you and have CUTANEOUS Lupus erythematosus
We hope the above links will be of use to you. LUPUS EUROPE has done its best to avoid any commercial bias in the data presented using the above links. Making the decision to participate in a clinical trial is your personal choice, to be made together with your trusted doctor. If you want to know more about clinical trials, we recommend you click on the link below. This will take you to EUPATI’s “An Introduction to Clinical Research” page where you can watch a short video that explains the essentials of a clinical trial:
You can also watch the following video where Jeanette Andersen, Chair of Lupus Europe and EUPATI fellow, and Marta Mosca, Coordinator of the ERN ReCONNET and Associate Professor in Rheumatology at the University of Pisa, discuss lupus, how patients can contribute to research and clinical trials and much more: