Since his amazing feat Andreas has been busy recovering and getting back to normal life, but he hasn’t forgotten about his lupus supporters and has been working on his final article, telling us all about his fantastic achievement.

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Lupus New York Marathon Finisher – 06.11.2016

For Lupus Warriors, Lupus Heros, Lupus Scientists, Lupus Family, Lupus Friends, Lupus Supporters. It’s done. We did it. I still remember vividly when the campaign started back in April last year (2016). It seemed a long way and really it was, with many great moments and obstacles.  One thing is for sure, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” as Napoleon Hill once said.

Reflecting back on the objectives of the campaign to:

  1. Connect Lupus patients across Europe and
  2. Spread disease awareness

I believe there has was great collaboration in achieving them. The idea of dedicating a week of my training to each country member of Lupus Europe brought people who had never met before together, for one cause – to cheer up the guy who runs for Lupus. Also, I will never forget the voices of spectators during the marathon reading my t-shirt’s front message: “Running for Lupus” and the thousands of people who reached out through digital and social media.

After overcoming expected and unexpected difficulties, I decided to keep my mind sane throughout the run by dedicating each mile of the 26 to each country member of Lupus Europe as you can see on the back of my t-shirt. Below, I unfold the journey from beginning of the race towards the finish line.

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Starting line

It all began on Staten Island, in Fort Wadsworth, at the Verrazano Bridge. Right before the starter pistol’s shot, US anthem was played on a very loud speaker. On the silence of crowd I realized I was really doing it! Lot’s of thoughts passed by my mind and it got emotional. But immediately I emptied my head to save valuable energy I needed for the next 5 hours.

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1st mile- for Denmark

First mile is an uphill climb towards the middle of the Verrazano bridge, highest elevation point of the race. It was windy and the adrenaline at it’s highest. Great view in the distance to the left of the Manhattan skyline. I felt unstoppable and ready to take over the 5 boroughs of New York City.

2nd mile- for Estonia

After a long run uphill in the opening mile of the New York City Marathon, Mile 2 is a downhill joy ride that leads to Brooklyn. Here I experienced the first glimpse of spectators, a small number of them, high above on an overpass.

3rd mile- for Finland

Here the crowds were growing thicker and thicker. As the volume of spectators rose the noise and cheers increased too. Amazing initial feeling that put my attention in enjoying the moment and away from running.

4th mile- for Cyprus

As I was approaching the 4th mile I was looking around to find 2 special people who came to support me in this challenge. We made a plan to meet in every 4th mile. I will be running and they will be using the subway to get into the next meeting point. However, we didn’t agree on which side to look for them -left or right? We never thought the roads would be so packed and big. I chose the right side which gave me 50% chance to see them – running in the middle wouldn’t make sense because it was too far from the spectators.

5th mile- for France

As I was about to complete mile 4 I saw them on the right with all their supporting gear shouting my name. How can someone not feel emotional at that moment? I got so much energy after seeing my people, again I forgot I was running and started enjoying the moment and start thinking that soon I would be seeing them again. Currently, I was on Fourth Avenue for a lengthy 5km straight run.

6th mile- for Germany

I have to say I was enjoying the run more than I was expected. During the 6th mile I needed a break – a bio break (fancy way to say urinate). Good thing that along the course, toilets are located in every mile. We got strict instructions from the organizer who had the right to disqualify anyone who urinates anywhere except in the supplied toilets. I ended up spending around 5 minutes there because I had to queue.

7th mile- for Greece

One of the things I enjoyed the most during the run were the bands on stages built on the sidelines just for the marathon playing all sort of different music. In fact, 130 musical acts – an average of five per mile – were set to motivate us and entertain the millions of spectators. One of the songs I enjoyed the most was Y.M.C.A. by Village People. You should have seen us running and dancing at the same time in which we used the arms to spell out the four letters of the song’s title. It was great for 2 reasons – encouragement and opportunity to stretch.

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8th mile- for Hungary

I was very happy when I finished mile 7 because I knew that soon I would be seeing my people again- I just had to complete this mile. I have been seeing a lot of runners meeting with friends and family and I was also looking to that moment too. During this mile it was the first time I had some water. I thought it was about time to hydrate myself.

9th mile- for Italy

When I was entering mile 9 I was very excited for 2 reasons. First, my people should be somewhere there and second I would be running for Italy in this mile, one of the countries that gave me so much energy during my training. I owed them a lot. And here I identified my supporters 50 meters away and ran towards them. This time though, I stopped and hugged them. It was very important for me. The energy I got from that boosted me.

10th mile- for Netherlands

In mile 10 the path got narrower, on a one-way road, adding a sense of intimacy and the illusion of moving faster. It was a good time to check my pace, to start thinking about my time and how I was performing. Half-way my training I stopped using earbuds and just had the phone on loud speaker telling me the metrics – distance, duration, speed – and based on those I was adapting my run per kilometer. However, during this run there were 2 problems that didn’t allow me to follow my training tactics. First, I couldn’t hear my phone at all – it’s like it was not working. I was hoping it didn’t pause and miss all the analytics of the app. The crowd was so loud there was no way to hear it. Second, I had never run a marathon before and didn’t have any comparison on how well I was doing. All in all, I was running blind on performance following though my initial goal to enjoy the marathon.

11th mile- for Norway

Upon entering Mile 11, the crowd started to thin again. In the meantime, my stamina was knocking at the door. I realised I had still so long to go, but already had signs of running out of fuel. Perhaps the 2 pastries I had in the morning got burned already! But I was prepared. During the marathon EXPO few days ago, I bought 2 energy gels that I planned to use on mile 10 and mile 20. So I enjoyed my energy gel and got some water.

12th mile- for Belgium

As the energy gel started doing its job – getting absorbed into my bloodstream as glucose – I was enjoying the crowd and spectators who each had a story to tell with their bright colors or crazy hats, or flashy signs. It was funny and entertaining to see lots of signs criticizing the presidential elections which were to take place 2 days after. While all these thoughts were in my head I reached out to a kid who was holding a high five sign with the text: ‘Touch here for power’. It did energise me. Thank you. And that was the start of me giving high-fives – I probably touched more than 100 of the spectators after this.

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13th mile- for Portugal

After completing the 12th mile and as I was about to enter the 13th mile, I started looking on my right to find those 2 special fans that came to support me and make sure I keep sane! Through the whole mile I couldn’t find them. Lots of things went through my mind, had I passed by them already? Are they a bit farther from here? Did they not make it in time? Had they left because I was too slow and the time we agreed had already passed?

14th mile- for Slovakia

I completed mile 13 and I was sure I missed them so I started focusing on the race again. Either way, I was just entering the Pulaski Bridge, which connects Brooklyn and Queens and there are no spectators there. Exciting times, Brooklyn was about to be completed and new borough is on it’s way – just 3 boroughs to go: Queens, the Bronx and Manhattan. But that was not the only thing that powered me – a big milestone has been achieved – HALF MARATHON. I was so excited but worried at the same time. That’s the longest I had ever run during my training and everything so far looked normal. Because of injuries I was not able to complete my training. Ahead of me there were 13 miles of unchartered waters. I was optimistic.

15th mile- for Sweden

After running a nice and easy decline into Queens and meeting the crowd who welcomed us to their borough I started feeling a drop in temperature. Perhaps the sun was hidden behind the buildings or I was already using all my energy to keep me going rather than warming me up. I was not sure if that has been ever been proven scientifically but that was not the best time to focus my attention on it.

16th mile- for Spain

I started experiencing the emotional test of the marathon, but it was too early. It came at the most difficult location in the the race – from what I had been told. The 16th mile is considered as one of the most pivotal points of the marathon because it seems like an endless hill, there are no spectators and your legs start to ache. During my commute to the starting line I overheard other runners claiming many give up there. It was pretty clear what they were saying. I didn’t want to be one of them, but I did walk for a few meters. As the climb up completed and the descent began, I was more confident than ever. I was almost there, getting into Manhattan. Good bye Queens.

17th mile- for Switzerland

I have to admit the spectators here were absolutely amazing. I already had 17 miles in my legs but the welcome we received in Manhattan made me forget all the challenges – mental and physical. I was looking for my biggest fans but my hopes were in vain that time, it was clear we hadn’t planned appropriately. All I was focusing on at this point was enjoying Manhattan.

18th mile- for United Kingdom

And here we are, just a single digit away from passing by the finishing line, packed with spectators on the sidewalks of the Upper East Side. The only thing that kept me going at this point were two things. First, the reminders of all the support messages I had got during the campaign from all of Lupus Europe’s member countries and second the push from the loud noise of the fans. One thing I remember vividly was a lady spectator I made eye contact with, who was shouting the text on my t-shirt – Running for Lupus. To be fair many did exactly that, but this time was different. This time, I realised the importance of completing the marathon and the impact this gesture can bring to people who are living with the disease. Thank you random lady, thank you for pushing me.

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19th mile- for Iceland

Another difficult mile, I was a wreck. At that time, I was wondering how my lupus would react. I had experienced some symptoms during my training but then I had time to rest and recover.  I was thinking I might upset my lupus and get a bad reaction, but I was hoping that would happen after the race, after I had finished, after I had proven to lupus that it had already been well and truly kicked.

20th mile- for Ireland

At the end of this last mile, I said goodbye to Manhattan for a short while – just a mile and something – to take over the last borough of New York City – The Bronx. I found this borough interesting because of the many turns that kept my mind busy, but also because the crowd was different, more hipster style. Despite all these, my energy levels hit a low again and it was time for my second and last energy gel.

21st mile- for Israel

Another interesting thing that happened in this borough was the spectators willingness to give treats to the marathoners. So many of them offering all sorts of muffins, croissants, sweet dumplings etc. I couldn’t resist, even though I don’t remember the last time I had a sweet. So, as I was running towards a nice lady who was offering tasteful treats and as soon as I raised my hand to grab one of those delicious muffins, a guy hit me from behind. Obviously my mistake. I thought the world was mine and I didn’t even look behind me! The result was to miss that treat, but luckily few meters farther there was another person offering sweets! Of course I had some. Perhaps the most enjoyable treat I had in my life. I was so hungry.

22nd mile- for Romania

In mile 22 I was entering Manhattan again. I realised I had five miles to go – I couldn’t believe it.  The crowds must have been more on the streets more than 3 hours supporting us by now. Hats off to them. That dose of support can lift the spirits of any marathoners whose bodies are beginning to cry, “Enough!”. Interestingly, my lupus hadn’t even knocked on my door so far. It must have been enjoying the nice race too!

23rd mile- for Lithuania

During this long run on 5th avenue I started feeling a bit cold. This may sound strange since I had been running for so long. Again my sugar levels hit rock bottom. I was desperately looking for energy. The Organizers didn’t disappoint me. A great source of quick-acting carbohydrates was served at the water stations – Bananas.

24th mile- for Slovenia

Funny thing this marathon. We try to do everything right – the long runs, the speed workouts, the stretching – yet nothing fully prepares us for the physical punishment and emotional test of raceday. 5 km to go and my muscles were screaming. Not only that, this mile is almost entirely uphill. One thing is in mind though, where the heck are my 2 fans, the last time I saw them was 16 miles ago. I hoped they would manage to be at the finish line. But I had another 30 minutes to go. Would they be worried?

25th mile – Lupus patients all over the world

The most sought for time came to be. I entered Central Park. To be honest I couldn’t believe it. I was so tired, I had so much pain in my gastrocnemius. I walked for 20 meters. But I had more pain in my muscles when walking so I started running again, very slowly. This mile was dedicated to all the 5million lupus patients around the world. I couldn’t disappoint them. I was almost there. But this mile looked like a never ending one. I was screaming inside.

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26th mile & 385 yards – Friends, Family and supporters of Lupus

Another mile and something to go. Still endless, still no energy, still pain. But screaming crowds gave me that extra energy to keep going. I thought the last mile would be the easiest because of the enthusiasm and adrenaline. But no. the first km of the last mile was a nightmare. But as I was fighting to keep running I saw the finish line, maybe 200 meters away and I was rejuvenated. I start running so fast, maybe the fastest pace I had during the whole run. I was so happy. I was in heaven. And there, FINISH LINE.

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Katharine – always there every week to review and publish my articles

Lupus Europe Trustees – who encouraged me, gave me courage, and on top of all that, opened their hearts

Alain – who supported my initial idea to partner and become an advocate of Lupus Europe

Lupus Europe Members – for supporting me every week during my training, for publishing articles, sharing their stories and allowing me to wear their flag. I couldn’t have made it without them for sure

Lupus Cyprus – my home country members never stopped supporting me, from day one of my diagnosis until today

Family and friends – you are the best

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Next in the line we have a new Hero running for Lupus – check Marisa Costa



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3 days ago

🌍 Socio-economic factors can significantly impact the health outcomes of people with SLE, particularly those from economically or socially disadvantaged backgrounds. A multitude of issues such as limited access to transportation, low health literacy, insufficient healthcare resources can influence various aspects of access to healthcare, and affect the management and outcomes of diseases like #lupus

👨‍⚕️ In this insightful YouTube video, Dr. Daniel Guimarães de Oliveira discusses the crucial need for holistic care approaches that take into account a person's wider context, including these non-clinical factors.

🎥 Watch the video now to learn more about these insights and the need for tailored healthcare strategies that address a person’s broader context.
... See MoreSee Less

🌍 Socio-economic factors can significantly impact the health outcomes of people with SLE, particularly those from economically or socially disadvantaged backgrounds. A multitude of issues such as limited access to transportation, low health literacy, insufficient healthcare resources can influence various aspects of access to healthcare, and affect the management and outcomes of diseases like #lupus

👨‍⚕️ In this insightful YouTube video, Dr. Daniel Guimarães de Oliveira discusses the crucial need for holistic care approaches that take into account a persons wider context, including these non-clinical factors. 

🎥 Watch the video now to learn more about these insights and the need for tailored healthcare strategies that address a person’s broader context.

13 CommentsComment on Facebook

Daniel Guimarães de Oliveira - Imunologia Clínica

That's true! Many people with problems are compelled to stop their cures because they do not have the money

I was never a person who believe in herbs as a means of treatment, now I know better, herbs has more efficiency than any pharmaceutical medicine. I suffered from FND with no results from pharmaceutical medicines, but after using herbal medicine from Dr Ehota I got cured of my ailments. I will advice you to try herbal medicine as well Contact Dr Ehota Dr Ehota

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4 days ago

‼️Today is #worldsjogrensday, a chronic autoimmune disease that affects 14-17.8% of #lupus patients.

💁‍♀️ Although Sjögren's is a systemic disease that goes far beyond dryness, dryness remains a frequent, significant and disabling symptom.

➡️ Follow Sjögren Europe to know more.
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‼️Today is #WorldSjogrensDay, a chronic autoimmune disease that affects 14-17.8% of #lupus patients.

💁‍♀️ Although Sjögrens is a systemic disease that goes far beyond dryness, dryness remains a frequent, significant and disabling symptom.

➡️ Follow Sjögren Europe to know more.

5 CommentsComment on Facebook

I know

Truly, natural remedies do work. If they didn't, we wouldn't have used them for thousands of years. And, pharmaceutical companies wouldn't be studying plants, taking extracts of them, and patenting them as drugs.this is not a claim or lies I was totally cured from herpes and neuropathy by Dr osewen, His remedy is surely the best. I suggest you try him out if you are having any health challenges and also get cured too, give him a try 👇👇

Meeting dr edaghonghon here on Facebook has really been one of the best time of my life. After years of suffering, I am finally cured permanently from HSV1 and 2, thanks doc God bless you OR Whatsapp

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1 week ago

🪫 Fatigue is one of the most common and challenging symptoms of lupus. Even in remission, this persistent issue can continue to affect the daily lives of those with lupus, highlighting the complex nature of this autoimmune disease and its symptoms.

🔬 On our YouTube channel, Dr. Chris Wincup shares groundbreaking research on lupus-related fatigue, presented at ELM. This study offers new insights into some of the possible underlying mechanisms of fatigue in lupus patients and potential therapeutic approaches.

🎥 Watch the full video to discover how these findings could potentially improve the quality of life for those living with lupus.
... See MoreSee Less

🪫 Fatigue is one of the most common and challenging symptoms of lupus. Even in remission, this persistent issue can continue to affect the daily lives of those with lupus, highlighting the complex nature of this autoimmune disease and its symptoms.

🔬 On our YouTube channel, Dr. Chris Wincup shares groundbreaking research on lupus-related fatigue, presented at ELM. This study offers new insights into some of the possible underlying mechanisms of fatigue in lupus patients and potential therapeutic approaches. 

🎥 Watch the full video to discover how these findings could potentially improve the quality of life for those living with lupus.

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Wow, it would certainly make an enormous difference in our lives!!! Iron deficiency can be difficult to overcome because of stomach problems but it would certainly be worth trying to get rid of this perennial fatigue.

Natural🌿remedies do work. If they didn't, we wouldn't have used them for thousands of years. And, pharmaceutical companies wouldn't be studying plants, taking extracts of them, and patenting them as drugs.this is not a claim or lies I was totally cured from a deadly disease and neuropathy by Herbalist His remedy is surely the best. I suggest you try him out if you are having any health challenges and also get cured too, give him a try 👇👇 Dr Osabor herbal home

Herbal remedies is the most recent cure I can only imagine I thought it was lies when I saw some one testifying about Dr Osabor. I was so happy that I get back my health, and with the help of dr Osabor. I was cured you can also give a try 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

2 weeks ago

👨‍⚕️ Don't miss Prof. Ian Bruce talking about the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Damage Index (SDI) revision!

📈 The SDI is a tool designed to track lupus progression and impacts treatment decisions worldwide.

🔍 The revised SDI aims to enhance accuracy, include pediatric cases, and update outdated definitions, ensuring that every patient’s condition is comprehensively evaluated.

🎥 Do you want to explore these updates more thoroughly and understand what they mean for patients and healthcare providers? Click the link to watch the full video!
... See MoreSee Less

👨‍⚕️ Dont miss Prof. Ian Bruce talking about the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Damage Index (SDI) revision!

📈 The SDI is a tool designed to track lupus progression and impacts treatment decisions worldwide.

🔍 The revised SDI aims to enhance accuracy, include pediatric cases, and update outdated definitions, ensuring that every patient’s condition is comprehensively evaluated.

🎥 Do you want to explore these updates more thoroughly and understand what they mean for patients and healthcare providers? Click the link to watch the full video! attachment
LUPUS EUROPE Uniting people with Lupus throughout Europe