Dear Lupus Europe Members,
On November 24, 2019, the council of LUPUS EUROPE asked the Board of Trustees to take steps to improve Lupus Europe’s sustainability in view of Brexit, seeking to achieve 2 objectives (a) to be established in the EU, and (b) to have a separate legal existence vs. members rather than be an unincorporated charity.
The Board has been acting to make this happen, and we are in the final stretch to be ready for the next council session, which will be held during our November Convention. The Board also resolved, after consulting with our members through phone calls, that the council session should be held using virtual tools, like video conferencing. While we all would have preferred to meet face-to-face, this virtual setting has the benefits that it allows the broadest participation!
This year’s council session will be a bit special. Indeed, we will need to hold two rather than one meeting, as we will need to launch our new Brussels entity (LUPUS EUROPE asbl), and then to transfer the activities, assets and liabilities of our existing charity (LUPUS EUROPE 803768). We therefore really need a maximum attendance. The two meetings will be done one after each other, using the same Zoom link.
Next to this important “structure change” (we remain the same, with the same objective, activities, goals and spirit!), this council will also be important as we welcome new members, from Central Europe.
Also, we have 2 or 3 trustee positions open as Annemarie and Kirsi’s mandates are reaching their term (and we have lifted the number of allowed trustees to 7). We are still looking for candidates for trustee positions, so if you (or someone from your group) are interested, please let us know and complete the attached application form.
Please do make sure that you register for the convention by sending a message to Zoe (, so that we can enroll you for the Zoom meeting which, for obvious reasons, will be by registration only.
Please do not hesitate to contact our secretariat ( if you have any question.
For the Board
Annemarie Sluijmers
We hereby invite LUPUS EUROPE Member groups delegates to participate in
LUPUS EUROPE asbl General Assembly
November 29th 2020, 10:30 Brussels time
The General Assembly will be held by videoconference, using ZOOM due to COVID 19 restrictions
- Approval of the agenda
- Information by the Board on LUPUS EUROPE asbl
- Questions/Answers on statutes and Internal Regulations
- Election of Directors
- Proposal to take over the activities of LUPUS EUROPE 803768, its assets and liabilities
- Acceptance of new members
- Any other business
- Close
We hereby invite LUPUS EUROPE Member groups delegates to participate in the
Council Meeting of LUPUS EUROPE – Charities Commission Nr 803768
Which will be held at the occasion of our 31st Convention
November 29th 2020, 10:00 London Time
The Council session will be held by videoconference, using ZOOM due to COVID 19 restrictions
1. Approval of the agenda for the Council Meeting
2. Annual Report:
- Board of Trustees report (To keep this session short, it is important that the delegates voting at our council session also take part in the session on our strategic plan on Friday morning, so they know what we have achieved during the past year. This Council session will mostly focus on members Q&A)
- Finance: Accounts / Auditors appointment (Accounts 2020 will be distributed ahead of the meeting, as the year closes October 31)
3. Election of Trustees to replace Kirsi Myllys and Annemarie Sluijmers.
4. Information by the Board on LUPUS EUROPE asbl entity.
5. Motion to transfer 40,000€ to LUPUS EUROPE asbl to accelerate its taking over of activities from LUPUS EUROPE 803768
6. Motion to liquidate LUPUS EUROPE 803768 and nominate LUPUS EUROPE asbl as successor of LUPUS EUROPE 803768 taking over LUPUS EUROPE 803768 assets and liabilities
7. Any other business
8. Close
It is very important that as many member organisations as possible take part to this council session.
We will then be able to provide you all details and passcodes for joining.
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