World Lupus Day Update

World Lupus Day Flyer and Social Media Graphics Now Available to Download
We are very pleased to provide materials to help you promote World Lupus Day.  We have created flyers and a symptoms checklist that you can download, modify, reproduce and distribute.  We also have created graphics that you can share on social media websites, such as Facebook and Twitter.  We also make available the World Lupus Day logo in various formats. 
The flyers and the checklist are presented as print-ready PDF files. These files can be edited using Adobe Acrobat Pro, which should also allow editing of the text.
The social media graphics are presented as JPEG images.  We also provide the master Photoshop file so you can modify the individual graphics as you wish.  However, due to licensing issues, we are not able to provide the original fonts (Myriad) that are used in the files.   If you wish to modify the graphic images and still use the same fonts, you will need to purchase the fonts and load them onto your computer.  You can purchase the Myriad font from many online font stores, such as or  They are not expensive.  You also can substitute the fonts used in the files with ones that you already own and have installed in your computer, such as Arial or Verdana.
Here is a link where you can download the flyers, social media graphics, and logos.  (
To download a file or folder, click the radio button located on the right side of the screen and then click the DOWNLOAD button, or click the download icon that is associated with each individual file or folder. 
We will add more resources to this folder as they become available over the next few weeks, so please bookmark this link and check back from time to time.   You will have access to any of the folders that are added later on this webpage. 
Please contact Duane Peters if you experience difficulty downloading any of the files. 

Other Materials to be posted soon for your use:
1. World Lupus Day Press Release
2. World Lupus Day Proclamation
3. World Lupus Day Petition
4. PowerPoint Presentation Template for presentations about lupus
5. Talking points about the need for funding for lupus research.

Survey to Measure the Worldwide Level of Lupus Awareness
A new global lupus awareness survey will be conducted within the coming weeks as part of the World Lupus Day observance. The survey will measure the worldwide level of public understanding about lupus through six questions, and will reach 1,000 people each in 16 different countries, for a total of 16,000 respondents.  It will be the first and largest ever global assessment of lupus awareness.  
We regret it is not possible to conduct the survey in every country.  We are limited to areas of the world where there is sufficient infrastructure to conduct an online survey directed toward the general public.  The countries to be included in the survey are:  Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Spain, South Korea, Switzerland, UK and USA.  Once the surveys have been completed, an analysis will be complied for the overall results.  From that analysis, we will prepare a press release that we will distribute via paid newswires. We also will post the news release to the World Lupus Day website and share it with you. 
We ask for your help to distribute the survey news release among health news reporters within your country.  We also ask that you share the survey news release through your organization’s website, social media postings (Facebook and Twitter) and your e-newsletter, if you publish one.
Additional details will be provided to you within the coming days. 

Please Participate in the World Lupus Day Video Project
Individuals with lupus from around the world are invited to submit a video of them reciting sa standard video script. All details are available here  

St. James House, 27-43 Eastern Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 3NH, United Kingdom – REGISTERED CHARITY NO.: 803768

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