Dear Members,
As discussed during the 2016 convention in Würzburg, LUPUS EUROPE will once again be combining their World Lupus Day campaign with the World Lupus Federation.
The artwork for this year will remain the same as that of last year, with additional initiatives added to help spread more awareness and visibility.
The artwork can be downloaded via .
Click on “download toolkit” and then “World Lupus Day” flyers. If you are having any trouble downloading, please contact Katharine and she will send you the files by e-mail.
One of the initiatives is a twitter poll which is being set up by the World Lupus Federation, and an e-report to be shared in collaboration with GSK and Tifffany Peterson’s Twitter channel, “Friends against Lupus”. If you are not already a follower, we would encourage you to follow her channel to stay up to date in real time. More details about both will follow.
Lupus Portugal is also working on a further Lupus awareness social media initiative to share with you all and there will be more news about other initiatives.
The campaign actions are intentionally relatively easy to put in place and through media such as twitter and Facebook, they can have a wide reach. Of course, if you don’t already have an assigned twitter person in your organisation, now is the time to recruit!
In addition to these actions, we would ask groups to please give us a quick recap of what you are doing in your country to celebrate World Lupus Day. We can then share some of your initiatives via the Lupus Europe blog and newsletter.
After your events, we would love to publish your photos!
We will be in touch soon with more details and we hope that you will all have a successful World Lupus Day. 

Katharine Wheeler

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LUPUS EUROPE Uniting people with Lupus throughout Europe