Dear LUPUS EUROPE members,

We relay EPF’s request to please urgently act to influence vote  on the own-initiative report on financing NGOs which is currently going through the Parliament.

 The Parliament’s BUDGET Committee will vote on its opinion on Thursday 30th. A number of problematic amendments have been filed. It would therefore be good to contact MEPs from the BUDGET Committee you know before the 30th June and let them know of your position. We have prepared a draft letter ( that you can adapt to your own organisation and send to the MEPs of your country.


Here is the list of MEPs from the BUDGET Committee (watch out, they are on more than 1 page):

 For your information, you will find at the same link  the list of all amendments as well as the draft opinion of the BUDGET Committee.

 We would appreciate your support on this matter.

Alain Cornet – Secretariat

St. James House, 27-43 Eastern Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 3NH, United Kingdom – REGISTERED CHARITY NO.: 803768

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