JUNE 17 – 19:00 PARIS TIME

Dear LUPUS EUROPE members and friends,
Encouraged by the success of our 1st LUPUS EUROPE Webinar early March, we have decided to offer a new one which will take place on Monday, June 17 at 19:00 Paris Time.
This time, the webinar will be focused on one theme: Clinical trials.
Clinical trials are at the core of any new drug discovery and validation. Without them, no new treatment will be approved for people living with lupus. Yet, with the only exception of Belimumab, clinical trials have consistently failed over the past 10 years. Wrong design, wrong endpoints, complexity of the disease, …? Despite these challenges, the research is very active with no less than 80 clinical trials that are currently on going or recruiting. The objective of this webinar is NOT to recruit any patient for a clinical trial, but rather to go with you through the essential aspects of such research, as well as what we should or should not do as patient organization. The webinar will be led by Dr Chiara Tani (University of Pisa, member of ERN ReCONNET) and Jeanette Andersen (EUPATI Fellow, Chair Lupus Europe).
The webinar will take place on June 17, 2019 at 19:00 (Paris time). The session will last for an hour and include some time at the end for questions and answers.
To join, you will only need to follow this LINK: . The webinar will be open from 18:30 so that everyone can comfortably join. We will start at 19:00 sharp. You can add this event to your calendar using one of the buttons at the bottom of this email.
To participate, you must have ZOOM installed.  If you have not done it yet, you can do that here
See you on line soon !


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LUPUS EUROPE Uniting people with Lupus throughout Europe