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Dear Members and Friends,

The European Lupus Meeting (ELM) gathers physicians (lupologists), researchers and pharma companies interested in SLE and takes place every 2 years.

This year, after a break because of the Covid-19 pandemic it was held in the Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, from October 5 to 8.

It gathered 850 attendees from 54 countries, 18 of those were PAN members from Lupus Europe. It was the first time with patients included in the scientific programme on the same level as physicians and researchers.

Patients were a part of the organising committee and we had dedicated programme sessions for HCPs and patients. These are exciting times for lupus with new products being approved and many new products in the pipeline and this contributed to a general feeling of optimism.

In this newsletter you have the unique opportunity to hear the experience of our patient representatives, who took part in this great meeting.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Jeanette Andersen
Chair of Lupus Europe

what do the acronyms mean
ELM  |  European Lupus Meeting  |  website

HCP  |  Health Care Professionals
PAN  |  Patient Advisory Network
SLE  |  Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

WATCH THESE SELECTED five short videos


Key Patient Takeaways from ELM2022
by Francesca | LE PAN Member

A Person-Focused Approach in SLE Care: The Patient Perspective
by Professor Marta Mosca | Italy

SLE Can be Grouped into Distinct Sub-Groups
by Dr. Lina Marcela Diaz Gallo | Sweden

Cognitive Dysfunction in SLE 
by Dr. Betty Diamond  |  USA

Key Patient Takeaways from ELM 2022 | Fishbowl Discussion
by Hrönn | LE PAN Member



CLICK here for the ELM 2022 PLAYLIST

all the videos are subtitled in ENGLISH, are quite SHORT and about SEVERAL TOPICS like, Mitochondria, Sjögren’s Syndrome, Non-Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular, Glucocorticoids, Hydroxychloroquine, Anti-Rheumatic Drugs, Skin Manifestations, Genetics, Disease Activity, Nephritis,  Adherence to Treatment, Epidemiology, Prevention, Covid, New Treatments, Paediatric, Cognitive Dysfunction, Person-Focused, Sub-Groups, …



GO to the ELM 2022 feedback WEBINAR





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LUPUS EUROPE Uniting people with Lupus throughout Europe