LUPUS EUROPE is looking for 12 European patients to participate in a Patient Panel on Clinical Trials(*) end October.

If you have actual experience taking part in a clinical trial (*), apply for participation, so that we can hear your experience and help the design of more patient friendly clinical trials in the future.

The conditions to apply are to:

• live in Europe,
• have lupus, scleroderma, Sjögrens, APS or similar,
• have participated in or are currently participating in a clinical trial (*),
• sufficient (not perfect!) English to interact with other non- native English patients,
• be ready to share your own experience of taking part in a clinical trial,
• agree to respect confidentiality of the discussions.

The panel will be held from October 25 evening to October 27 after lunch near Brussels, Belgium. It is organised by and for patients, facilitated by people living with lupus themselves. All costs (travel, accommodation and meals) will obviously be covered by LUPUS EUROPE.

People that are (potentially) interested are invited to contact for more information. Final selection will be made end September to assemble a panel with diverse profiles, origins and experiences.
If you have the right profile, APPLY!

(*) in short, Clinical trials are experiments or observations done in clinical research to compare for example new treatments to a placebo in order to validate their efficacy and safety.

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LUPUS EUROPE Uniting people with Lupus throughout Europe