Dear LUPUS EUROPE members
Thank you very much for your support to distribute the Lupus Europe Survey ESLP2019. We have already obtained more than 3000 answers, which is truly fantastic. The survey will close on June 30 midnight, so this is the final stretch to be on the podium of the country with the highest response rate (per capita). The link to the survey, available in 14 languages, is
Next to this, we have 3 important messages before you leave on vacation:
Through a separate mailing, you will receive the announcement of the Kick Lupus contest. Following last year’s success with the word clouds, this year, the contest will be to produce a very short video, maximum 60 seconds, on how you “Kick lupus”. All details are on the poster sent separately. What you should know is that distributing the information to your members, and obtaining participation in the contest will earn your member group a 50 Euro discount (for up to 2 persons) for our convention 2019….
Speaking of which….
We are finalising the convention announcement and full details. it should be out in the next very few days, but what you can already do is block the dates in your calendar : Our 30th Annual Convention 2019 will be held in Liverpool, England, starting on Friday evening 22nd November and finishing Monday 25th November. This year’s theme will be ‘Education to Empower’. and for those of you that can join us from Friday lunch time, there will be an opportunity to earn an additional 100 euro convention discount by participating in a Industry sponsored workshop that afternoon…. Sign up early to benefit from early bird pricing.
More to come very soon….
We invite you to pay your annual membership fee. As decided in last year’s Council session, the amount is unchanged, at 100 euros for small organisations, and 200 euros for the larger ones. Please ask your treasurer to pay the membership fee to our account
IBAN : GB65 BUKB 2072 8988 7913 44
and to send an email to if you need an invoice.
To note, the membership fee can also be paid together with the convention fee if that is more convenient for you or reduces your bank costs.
Enjoy the Summer season… and see you soon in Liverpool