LUPUS EUROPE would like to extend warm wishes to all its members, partners and supporters. We hope that you all have a wonderful festive season and that the New Year is full of promise and fulfillment.

2016 has been a busy year for us, promising exciting times ahead.
We are delighted to have had several abstracts presented at important Lupus events and to be involved in several new initiatives where the patient organisation takes on its role as a more equal partner in the healthcare field.

For 2017, our wish is that we all start to KICK LUPUS together! So much remains to be done towards our vision of a life without lupus… and yet there is so much we can do if each of us kicks lupus every day:

Kick Lupus is kicking yourself into shape by increasing your physical activity: it is proven to help reduce tiredness and pain over time and every little bit helps.
Kick Lupus is raising the patient voice and increasing our skills for better participation in research and inclusion of Patient Reported outcomes.
Kick Lupus is starting a better life by adhering to treatment and working with the medical community for broader implementation of Standards of Care.
Kick Lupus is kicking ideas around: How can we better meet the needs of young people with lupus? How can we strengthen patient/doctor communication? How can we be more active in the workplace?
Kick Lupus is raising awareness and support by volunteering in your local group, participating in events, or helping make a great World Lupus Day.
Kick Lupus is strengthening the links between LUPUS EUROPE, its members, and everyone living with lupus around Europe.

There are so many ways we can all KICK LUPUS… Let’s get started!

BEST WISHES FOR 2017 from all of us here on the LUPUS EUROPE board and secretariat.
Kirsi, Kirsten, Alain, Katharine, Anne, Sara and Jeanette.

St. James House, 27-43 Eastern Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 3NH, United Kingdom – REGISTERED CHARITY NO.: 803768

MEMBER COUNTRIES: Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Slovenia, Romania,
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LUPUS EUROPE Uniting people with Lupus throughout Europe